Lakum Vela'amod - Israel

Choreographed by Shmulik Gov-Ari - 1989

Circle dance, V-Position. Meter 4/4.

This dance uses the following steps: Cherkessia, Grapevine, Back Yemenite.

Measure Count Step
Part I
1 1-4 Facing LOD, step forward on R foot (1), step forward on L foot (2), step forward on R foot (3), brush L foot forward (4).
2 1-4 Do one Cherkessiya step, starting with the L foot (1-4).
3 1-4 Step on L foot slightly across R foot (1), hold (2), step on R foot slightly across L foot (3), hold (4).
4 1-4 Do a Back Yemenite, starting on L foot (1-3). Turn to face center (4).
5 1-4 Do a Grapevine step to the R starting with side-behind (1-4).
6 1-4 Do a complete two-step turn to R, ending facing center (1-2), sway R onto R foot (3), sway L onto L foot (4).
7 1-4 Do a Grapevine to the L, starting with the R foot crossing behind the L foot (1-4).
8 1-4 Do a 1-1/8 two-step turn to R, and end up facing diagonally R (1-2), step onto R foot in LOD (3), step onto L foot in LOD (4).
9-15 Repeat measures 1-7.
16 1-4 Do a complete two-step turn to end facing center (1-2), step on R foot to R (3), step on L foot across R foot (4).
Part II
1 1-4 Facing center, step forward onto R foot (1), step forward onto L foot (2), step forward onto R foot (3), turn to face LOD (4).
2 1-4 Step backwards onto L foot (1), step backwards onto R foot (2), step backwards onto L foot (3), hold (4).
3 1-4 Move diagonally out of the circle with a Grapevine (1-4).
4 1-4 Do a three-step turn to the R and end facing center and leaning onto the R foot (1-3), hold (4).
5 1-4 Face diagonally L and step onto L foot in RLOD (1), step onto R foot in RLOD (2), step onto L foot in RLOD and lean onto the L foot (3), hold (4).
6 Repeat measure 4.
7 Sway onto L foot (1), sway onto R foot (2), cross hands in front of face and start a Grapevine to the R with L foot crossing in front of R foot, snapping fingers on count 3 (3-4).
8 1-4 Finish Grapevine, snapping fingers on count 1, (1-2), step on L foot across R foot, snapping fingers (3), hold (4).
9-16 Repeat measures 1-8, and turn to face LOD.